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Friday, September 21, 2018



Today's Blog is about a topic that doesn't get a lot of discussion. Children's toothpaste.
This question came to me from a reader who has a problem with her children swallowing their toothpaste.

She says: "My children are two and three years old. I've noticed that the children's toothpaste says 'Do not swallow' but they do. Is this bad for them?"

Another mother wanted me to discuss whether the 'kiddie's toothpaste brands are worth the money.

Toothpaste manufacturers have long marketed toothpaste aimed at children. These toothpastes have a lower concentration of fluoride than adult toothpaste. A low dose of fluoride over a long period of time, affects the enamel formation of the teeth in a positive way. Spitting out toothpaste help to maintain this positive effect of low dose fluoride.
When the children swallows the toothpaste, it gives them a 'spike' or high concentration of fluoride in their blood supply. The increased fluoride level in the blood can then disrupt the cells that are forming the adult teeth.
And it can also cause stomach upset.

The best advice I can give is to get the toothpaste that is age appropriate for the children. Follow the directions given on the pack. And teach them how to spit. Make this part of the lesson when teaching them how to brush their teeth.

Children's toothpaste do meet the guidelines on the appropriate flouride content.
Another justification is that children sometimes find the taste of mint toothpaste too strong and prefer other flavours.
Sometimes children can be resistant to having their teeth brushed. The brands make toothbrushing fun and make children more willing to take part. They do this by using cartoon characters on the packaging and advertising. 

The one drawback to buying children's toothpaste, is that you may pay considerably more than for  adult toothpaste.



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