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Wednesday, May 9, 2018


Erosion is the loss of tooth enamel caused by acid attack. Enamel is the hard, protective coating of the tooth, which protects the sensitive dentine underneath. When the enamel is worn away, the dentine underneath is exposed, which may lead to pain and sensitivity.

Enamel erosion occurs when acids, including those in a normal healthy diet, attack the outer layer (the enamel) of teeth. This makes the teeth softer and weaker. 
But the main culprit is our culture of constant sipping and snacking throughout the day.

How to prevent enamel erosion:

  • Give your teeth a 3-4 hour break between meals;
  • Avoid frequent snacking ;
  • Finish your meal with a crunchy vegetable (carrot, stalk of celery, cauliflower, piece of Bell pepper, leaf of cabbage, sliced up cucumber) to help clean the teeth and stimulate saliva;
  • Chew some sugar-free chewing gum for 10 minutes;
  • When you have finished brushing, spit out excess toothpaste, but do not rinse with water. If you rinse with water, you will get rid of the Flouride. If you absolutely want to rinse after your teeth after brushing, use a flouride mouthwash.

Image result for enamel erosion

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